Tapissary has around 8,000 vocabulary characters which are called celloglyphs. I uploaded this dictionary of the 900 most common celloglyphs back in 2008. There are probably closer to 1,000 words following, but I’ve never been a good head counter. Hopefully, it will be enlarged in the near future so that each word shows both the forward and backward forms, as well as their pronunciation in spoken Tapissary.

For the dictionary of backward glyphs and an explanation why they exist and how to use them, please also hit the BACKWARD SCRIPT tab.


Following is the romanized version of the above vocabulary. For the pronunciation description, please hit the SPEECH link above on this page. This page is still in progress.

A --- biñ

Able --- thëbr

About --- thay

Above --- onyolt

Act --- ada

Add --- xammax

Afraid --- fizhan

After --- eppita

Again --- añcor

Against --- did

Age --- umr

Ago --- pre

Agree --- coubaly

Air --- hawa

All --- ytou

Allow --- samax

Also --- erthui

Always --- toujour

Am (be) --- ir

Among --- bain

And --- na

Anger --- tuicgi

Animal --- yvan

Answer --- légoth

Any --- ebbar

Appear --- apexxe

Apple --- tifila

Are (be) --- ir

Area --- recsba

Arm --- xyemeres

Arrange --- sidér

Arrive --- stiç

Art --- ydaj

As --- oubiñ

Ask (question) --- ascë

Ask (request) --- pri

At --- oul

Atom --- atom

Baby --- neznar

Back (anatomy) --- do

Back (adverb) --- hayar

Bad --- move

Ball --- jend

Band --- band

Bank --- bannka

Bar --- dattad

Base --- rmañji

Basic --- rmönic

Bat (animal) --- noul

Be --- i, ir, or psa

Bear (endure) --- ber

Bear (animal) --- ours

Beat --- hica

Beautiful --- beviyyou

Bed --- letto

Before --- carnai

Begin --- hajim

Behind --- deryer

Believe --- bishlav

Bell --- glëccxen

Best --- jañcis

Better --- jañcos

Between --- nalcsannos

Big --- jrundishëy

Bird --- bordido

Bite --- tazmordr

Black --- siyah

Block --- hathar

Blood --- bléwéw

Blow --- soufflé

Blue --- nilë

Board --- lawha

Boat --- sira

Body --- corpiñ

Bone --- cnoxxen

Book --- cipbiñ

Born --- netrou

Both --- nëresh

Bottom --- foñ

Box --- xac

Boy --- pethe

Branch --- ascsa

Bread --- piñ

Break --- thyacopi

Bright --- bajlé

Bring --- dovest

Broad --- brait

Brother --- uxte

Brown --- maroñ

Build --- struiy

Building --- gebëyydë

Burn --- bren

Busy --- asscani

But --- mas, ma

Buy --- agoxxa

By --- ni

Call --- xazmin

Calm --- wama

Camp --- cacacanot

Can (ability) --- turoz

Can (vessel) --- cyan

Capital --- cyö

Car --- thota

Card --- biparrta

Care --- cyër

Careful --- swagga

Carry --- misafer

Case --- cevos

Cat --- xatoul

Catch --- atrap

Cause --- lhet

Cell --- stixion

Çelloglyph --- çelloglif

Center --- sañtr

Century --- sañturi

Certain --- sertiñ

Chair --- course

Chance --- shañs

Character (symbol) --- ci

Character (behavior) --- yimamma

Charge --- serk

Chart --- çart

Check --- jec

Chick --- axstaxy

Chicken --- axstexazi

Chief --- shef

Child --- ydec

Choose --- cnév

Chord --- cord

Circle --- çövaj

City --- mesapol

Class --- clas

Clean --- nathif

Clear --- bahir

Climb --- tosbir

Clock --- ërloc

Close (adverb) --- neyyë

Close (verb) --- threcsis

Clothes --- cimon

Cloud --- rerara

Coast --- cotto

Coat --- mañto

Cold --- cathëi

Collect --- ksemacr

Colony --- coloni

Color --- coulër

Column --- toxodda

Come --- yelmëz

Common --- romén

Company --- compani

Compare --- cimcir

Complete --- coñplet

Condition --- toxdicca

Connect --- conect

Consider --- xashav

Contain --- padtén

Continent --- continent

Continue --- contin

Control --- mitrim

Cook --- tasbah

Cool --- xaoxao

Copy --- copter

Corn --- corn

Corner --- cwiñ

Correct --- naxon

Cost --- cout

Cotton --- cotoñ

Could --- cëirt

Count --- numérot

Country --- memlet

Course --- mallista

Cover --- ratha

Cow --- nefret

Crease --- bathash

Create --- mumac

Crop --- erre

Cross --- craw

Crowd --- conthet

Cry --- plër

Curious --- curyë

Current --- cëirëis

Cut --- xatax

Different --- madranndër

Difficult --- thiscol

Direct --- primu

Discuss --- discoutir

Distance --- ishtrac

Divide --- tailen

Do --- tar

Doctor --- docarrtsër

Dog --- celeps

Dollar --- dollar

Door --- capëjy

Double --- dourdour

Down --- don

Draw --- rimëbris

Dream --- onnixo

Dress --- rob

Drink --- ish

Drive --- shlif

Drop --- lash

Dry --- csixo

Duck --- ent

During --- cégañ

Dance --- dañzet

Danger --- craton

Dark --- endxex

Day --- dë

Dead --- mét

Deal --- pithath

Dear --- shar

Death --- metta

Decide --- çexlit

Deep --- vathifon

Degree --- dëgré

Depend --- dawpenndiri

Describe --- décri

Desert --- midbar

Design --- cim

Determine --- bështim

Develop --- anaptis

Dictionary --- kaççenri

Did (past of Do) --- tanar

Die --- métr

Each --- wdo

Ear --- oréy

Early --- avañs

Earth --- ërth

Easy/easy --- efcol

East --- sharc

Eat --- al

Echo --- éco

Edge --- copsis

Effect --- effer

Egg --- tamavgo

Either --- ethr

Electricity --- hérité

Element --- élémañ

Else --- alui

End --- tëfetr

Enemy --- dujmu

Energy --- inérrya

Engine --- manwa

Enough --- cafi

Enter --- vxod

Equal --- écwahhéc

Equate --- écwath

Even --- astrovya

Evening --- acshamwar

Event --- sabëyt

Ever --- pañdoté

Every --- thary

Exact --- génaw

Example --- matal

Except --- yoi

Excite --- thiyixxo

Exercise --- recscer

Expect --- citay

Experience --- werfar

Experiment --- werfament

Eye --- aiyen

Face --- fas

Fact --- fassër

Fair --- just

Fall --- tomx

Family --- caziy

Famous --- sélebr

Far --- ishtern

Farm --- farif

Fast --- bystrou

Fat --- froul

Father --- fether

Favor --- favr

Fear --- nyocah

Feed --- ldopster

Feel --- oseç

Female --- fem

Few --- fyiñ

Field --- xissex

Fig --- toénna

Fight --- fiht

Figure --- figur

Fill --- rañpli

Final --- final

Find --- ytrov

Fine --- finos

Finger --- filañj

Finish --- ower

Fire --- fañr

First --- çirrios

Fish --- pisis

Fit --- mnasib

Flat --- iyyi

Floor --- plañku

Flow --- mirrar

Flower --- flër

Fly --- fliggë

Follow --- prat

Food --- shracritur

Foot --- vafsxot

For --- fi

Force --- maxt

Forest --- fore

Form --- cölib

Forward --- goccord

Fraction --- clazzma

Free --- zdarma

Fresh --- fre

Friend --- frënd

From --- miñ

Front --- ispred

Fruit --- fruë

Full --- pliñth

Fun --- baibai

Game --- perberañ

Garden --- bashta

Gas --- hanahawa

Gather --- fersammel

Gave --- donon

General --- cocorrpiñ

Gentle --- mitralic

Get --- tyiñ, or xasyl

Girl --- petha

Give --- don

Glad --- frow

Glass --- staclo

Go --- pyañ

Gold --- zlato

Gone --- çelo

Good --- jañ, or nefer

Got --- tyiñniñ, or xanasyl

Govern --- rakir

Grand --- mahalla

Grass --- ésev

Gray --- gri

Great --- mahal

Green --- jështañ

Ground --- texxa

Group --- jwiñtwa

Grow --- shañpë

Guess --- diviñ

Guide --- vodij

Gun --- pistolé

Hair --- tuy

Half --- cilari

Hand --- zmañ

Handsome --- joel

Happen --- jebr

Happy --- ënë

Hard --- thisscës

Hat --- sheshir

Have --- xa

He --- hlë

Head --- cefaly

Hear --- jmazandalla

Heart --- cër

Heat --- palmu

Heavy --- pazay

Help --- masçrov

Her (genitive) --- cañjo

Here --- htar

High --- alli

Hill --- colin

His --- cré

History --- divré

Hit --- catdit

Hold --- hoffel

Hole --- trë

Home --- hom

Hope --- nakous

Horse --- faras

Hot --- xalr

Hour --- avcath

House --- jmézy

How --- xë

Huge --- jrurur

Human --- cadacr

Hunt --- shas

Hurry --- xyexxete

I had to stop entering the vocabulary here, as the uploads kept slowing down to a near stop the longer the page got. I’ll have to figure out another way to finish uploading the vocabulary.